Andy Davis


PT: Natural da California Andy Davis cresceu entre San Diego e Orange Counties, e foi influenciado fortemente pela cultura surf da área. Como muitos outros rapazes, na sua adolescência sonhou com uma carreira no surf, um desejo que não veio a concretizar-se, pelo menos não como atleta. No entanto a arte fazia parte da sua vida desde a tenra idade, recriando as experiências dos seus dias desenhando com crayons. Ingressou numa escola de artes, mas as regras o aborreciam, fazendo com que abandonasse os estudos nessa área.

Logo de seguida pegou na suas economias e criou a sua primeira empresa de roupas, a "Free" e o sucesso foi imediato, tendo como entusiastas Brad Gerlach e Donavan Frankenreiter. A empresa veio a fechar as portas em 1996 devido à pouca experiência no assunto como o próprio Andy diz, mas a companhia serviu como rampa para o lançamento e consolidação de Andy Davis como artista. 

Hoje Andy Davis é um renomeado artista, criando coleções e parceiras com as mais variadas entidades em torno do surf, apreciem.

       "My art is a daydream. I get lost in the process of painting and drawing; it is the only part of my life that has never had rules. Every person that sees my work has a different interpretation of the meaning and I like it that way". 

Andy Davis

EN: Born in California, Andy Davis grew between San Diego and Orange Counties, and was strongly influenced by the surf culture of the area. Like many other young men in their teens, he dreamed of a career in the surf, a desire that did not come to fruition, at least not as an athlete. However the art was part of his life from a young age, recreating the experiences of his days drawing with crayons.He entered an art school, but the rules annoyed him, making him abandon the studies in this area. 

Soon afterwards he picked up his economies and created his first clothing company, the "Free" and the success was immediate, with Brad Gerlach and Donavan Frankenreiter as enthusiasts. The company has come to close its doors in 1996 due to lack of experience on the subject as Andy himself says, but the company served as the launch pad for consolidation of Andy Davis as an artist. 

Today Andy Davis is a renowned artist, creating collections and partnership with various entities around the surf, to enjoy.

"My art is a daydream. I get lost in the process of painting and drawing; it is the only part of my life that has never had rules. Every person that sees my work has a different interpretation of the meaning and I like it that way". 

Andy Davis

Imagens: Internet
Texto: Fninga

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